Blavatnik Index of Public Administration

We have made the results and source code of the Blavatnik Index of Public Administration available open source under the CC BY 4.0 and MIT licenses. This means you are free to re-use the Index in your own work but please cite it appropriately:

Blavatnik Index of Public Administration 2024, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford,

The original source data used to compile the Blavatnik Index of Public Administration remains subject to licence terms of the original third-party authors. Please see our copyright statement for further details.

Download the report

The report content is available on the website in the results section. A PDF version is also available.

Download the data

There are two ways you can download the data:

  • An Excel spreadsheet containing the results, this provides summary sheets with the overall results by domain and theme, as a sheet containing the full data and metadata sheets describing the Index’s data structure and sources: blavatnik_index_2024.xlsx.
  • Individual CSV (comma separated values) files are available on Github.

Download the source code

The source code used to produce the Index is available via Github, there are three repositories:

  • The bipa2024_index repository contains the source code for calculating the Index, you will also need the bipa2024_sourcedata and bipa2024_cartography repositories.
  • The bipa2024_sourcedata repository contains the source code for processing the different sources that are used to calculate the Index.
  • The bipa2024_cartography repository contains the Index’s reference list of geographic entities and cartographic sources for producing maps.

A note on language

While bipa is used in our code as a shorthand for the Index, we do not use “BIPA” as an acronym or initialism in our external communications. After first referring to “the Blavatnik Index of Public Administration” please use “the Blavatnik Index” as the shortened form of the work or use “the Index” if it is unambiguous to users that this refers to the Blavatnik Index.

Re-use our interactive visualisations

The interactive visualisations have been made using Observable, visit our collection of Observable notebooks to view these.